Tyler Durden
Am I persistent? Here lately over the past few weeks, I haven’t been too persistent in my life. I’ve gone through a tremendous amount of events that have challenged me with work, my personal life, and in my studies. My son moved back to Ohio with his mother, my relationship with my girlfriend failed, my grades started to fall, and I’ve had to use personal time with my job to regroup from all of the madness in my life. It’s a new day today though, and I’m going to do my best to get back to being me again, and being more persistent.
Being persistent to me means finishing what I start. I’m usually very persistent in finishing projects to the best of my ability. I don’t like to leave projects undone, or it absolutely drives me CRAZY! I’ve worked for my company for six years now, and at work I’m very persistent on accomplishing a tough job. I am a fire alarm technician and work with low voltage wiring. Living in Southwest Florida, we have a lot of thunderstorms that usually tend to be problematic customer’s fire alarm equipment. For example, a lot of my customers have outside A/Vs (audio visuals) or horn strobes that always get wet after several years of baking in the sun. When those devices get wet, they cause short circuits or open circuits. It’s my job to find the root cause of the wiring issue. When I am sent out to troubleshoot an open or short circuit, I won’t stop until the problem is fixed. I am very persistent about my work. I usually strive to be the best at what I do.
In conclusion, over the next few months, I am going to do my best to get back to the level of being persistent in my studies, in my personal life, and with my job. My plan is to set my goals, manage my time more wisely than I have here lately, being motivated, being more organized and making it a habit. With all of that being said, hopefully good things will come my way here