During my three-day food intake I learned about myself. There are many benefits of good nutrition. ”Medical Online” states “besides helping you maintain a healthy weight, good nutrition is essential for the body and all its system to function optimally for a lifetime.” A healthy diet promotes good sleep, gives the body what it needs to stay healthy, and provides energy. According to “Mealtime Memo” Good nutrition means getting the calories that we need for energy and the nutrients we need for proper growth. I’m learning that variety, balance, and moderation are the key to healthy nutrition. As I am learning what I should and should not eat I will like you to invite you to take a look at my food intake. This essay will converse about my intake of protein, carbohydrates, lipids, macronutrients intake ranges, fiber intake ranges, and dietary modifications based on three full days of my food intake. After recording my dietary intake for three days through the Wiley iProfile and reviewing the reports, I have found that this provides a better scope of my eating habits and the nutritional value in each thing I eat.…