For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions.…
For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions.…
For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. 1 in Health for explanations of these dimensions.…
I interview a family who were willing to answer the questions as long as they remained anonymous when the paper is written. I will not be using the name of the family that I interviewed for this assignment.…
Discuss personal choices you could make and habits you could change to improve your health.…
When it comes to defining family many people have many different ways to define family because it means something different to everyone. Overtime the typically family has changed and is much more diverse when it comes to the individuals that make up the family because of beliefs and values. The way that it is defined currently is a family is a set of interacting individual is related by blood, marriage, cohabitation, or adoption who interdependently perform relevant functions by fulfilling expected roles (Edelman & Mandel, 2012). When it comes to health promotion and disease prevention the family is the primary source in which individuals learn how to deal with these issues and influence the individual. When it comes to family care and support the best approach is to make it as family centered as possible. According to Gordon, functional health patterns encompass human growth and development, represents bio psychosocial expressions of the whole person, and allow for developmental assessment of client-environment interaction (Krozy & McCarthy, 2002).…
Health perception relates to what health means to this family. Are they having any health issues, how do they maintain their health and where do they receive most of their health education? This family has few active health problems at this time and none of the family members currently take any medications, except OTC meds for headaches etc. Mom is overweight and is aware of this and has an action plan. Dad is a heavy smoker, smoking two packs per day for the last forty years! He does not recognize this as a health problem and does not want to quit. Everyone is up to…
Family health assessment is a great tool to utilize to develop health care plans for the…
How much time do you have sex per week? What are your concerns when it comes to sex? Tell me how you cope with stress as a family .what is some effective way you deal with stress as family.…
Family health assessment is a process by which to examine and evaluate the level of health in a family. Traditionally, a nuclear family is a basic social group consisting of parents and their children. In today’s society, it is common place to encounter blended families as well. Blended families are established through the unification of two parents and their children from previous relationships. Regardless of whether a family group is nuclear or blended, the family unit has a belief system that is influential on all members. This belief system is comprised of a set of learned behaviors and values that in part influence choices that members in regards to health. Performing a family health assessment allows health professionals…
For each of the following six dimensions of health, list at least one characteristic, activity, belief, or attitude that reflects that dimension in your life. Provide a brief explanation with each example. Refer to Ch. 1 in the text for explanations of these dimensions.…
Assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that may cause injury, illness, or death. Choose one of the following age groups: toddler, preschool, and school-age child. List some of the most frequent causes of injuries, illness, or death at the age level. Discuss and describe safety concerns specific to the age, listing the most common causes of injury, illness (acute or chronic), trauma, and death for the age level. Describe how health promotion and health prevention interventions can be incorporated into parent and child teaching. Including in-text citations and references for each of the scholarly sources used. Respond to other learners' posts in a manner that initiates or contributes to discussion.…
1. Your physical well-being is affected by what you do everyday based on your lifestyle habits. I manage stress remotely well by taking deep breathes when I get anxiety, and try to calm down my mind and body tension. I also try to maintain good sleeping habits by finishing my work earlier at night and reading book’s to fall asleep. I eat Sattvic, Tamasic, and Rajasic type of foods, which is shown to improve flexibility and physical well-being. I rarely drink alcohol, and when I do it is not a large amount. I do smoke occasionally, but I am trying my very best to quit completely. I am very physically active during the summer and spring, doing activities such as swimming, cycling, jogging, running and more. I try my best to go to the gym during winter, but I find it difficult to be motivated during the school year and bad weather conditions. When reflecting on my lifestyle habits, I think I am in good physical health, but improvements can be made.…
My overall state of my wellness wheel is pretty well. It was about half and half with my assessment. The lowest my average assessment went down to was a two. That was in the social area which is my weakest. My weakest areas are vocational, social, and intellectual. I scored really low in social area because I don’t get out much, I keep to myself and I am too busy juggling sports, school and work. I really don’t have much time for anything else. My strongest areas were physical, emotional, and spiritual. I was not surprised with the results of the assessment; I knew I wasn’t going to score very high in the social area. In the emotional area I knew I was going to score high because if I did something wrong I wouldn’t say someone else did it, I would own up to what I did and take responsibility for whatever I did wrong. The reason for this is the more you lie about something the more it will come back and bite you in the butt harder than just saying something in the beginning.…
After taking the Living to 100 Assessment I discovered that my biggest wellness strength is that I eat healthy at home. My mom makes sure that we are never without proper nutrition and I believe that has played a big role, as well as my goal to maintain a healthy body weight. We have plenty of fruits and vegetables at home and if I don't get any at school, I make sure to eat some after school. My most worrisome wellness weakness is that I don't exercise enough. I like to read so I spend a lot of time in my room or just generally lounging around. When I do exercise, I tend to push myself too far and end up pulling something. I will use a punching bag when I am angry or just feel like I need to exercise, but I find myself lapsing in that sometimes.…