Perform an evaluation of your learning style. One resource to self asses your style can be found at Your personal style should fall into one of these 4 polar groups:
1. Sensory-Intuitive: Provide both hard facts and general concepts.
2. Visual-Verbal: Incorporate both visual and verbal cues.
3. Active-Reflective: Allow both experiential learning and time for evaluation and analysis.
4. Sequential-Global: Provide detail in a structured way, as well as the big picture.
After you have assessed your style you will need to know your strengths. Sensory learners rely on their senses. However, if they rely too much on sensing, they will …show more content…
However, acting before thinking could result in poor judgment. Summarizing situations and digest information you have been given before jumping in and discussing it with others would be the best way to learn.
Reflective Learners would think too much leading to a risk of doing nothing. There comes a time when a decision has to be made or an action taken. Group decision-making will help those to learn faster to apply the information they have in as practical a manner as possible.
Sequential Learners are always breaking things down into small components. They often do not see the “Big Picture”. One approach to help with learning is to slow down and understand why you are doing something. If sequential thinkers can't think of a practical application for what you are doing then stop and do some more "big picture" thinking.
Global Learners are easily able to see the big picture. They will think themselves confident enough to not seek out advice. They should take the time to ask for explanations, and force themselves to complete all problem-solving steps. If they can't explain what you have done and why, then they may have missed critical