I found out more about a career that I had been interested in as a child, Paralegal. Growing up our next door neighbor and family friend, was a paralegal for one of the local law firms in town and when her children and I would play, it always came down to playing office and we were always lawyers or paralegals. I know it sounds silly, but looking back at it was one of the best times in my life. I had considered it before joining the military, but had chose the military to be able to do more with my life and for my family at that …show more content…
I still get to be a teacher for the one person who really matters, my son and what's even better is that I get to use all the great things I learned during my time teaching to help him get ready for school. I also get to take the time I need to make sure that I'm here for him as he is growing up, which is something I was never able to accomplish with my older children. I look back now and miss the time that has passed, but hopefully in the very near future I will be able to spend time with all three children and support all of their goals. I know that being a paralegal my not be easy, but in my life I have learned if it's too easy it's not for me, I need to have a challenge to rise to. I think that being a paralegal is the right challenge for me, later on I might go further with this career choice but for now I am happy to be learning about a field that I enjoy and being able to enjoy the time with my