stop. We said bye and went our separate ways.
I stumbled a bit during the conversation because I was trying to find the appropriate response for her questions. She sometimes helped me when she saw me struggling. Talking in a foreign tongue with a native speaker was actual really fun. Although I tripped and stumbled over my words sometimes, Roberta was very helpful and I feel like I gained more experience by actually going out and having a real conversation. It was really easy knowing what my response was going to be because even though I didn’t understand every single word in her replies or questions I got the general message. It was difficult trying to piece together a grammatically correct comprehendible sentence that answered the question in a way she could understand. It was hard trying to remember verbs and whether a noun was masculine or feminine. I sometimes had to just ask her how to say something. She was very patient and supportive with me. I feel like with more practice and if I were to go out more and use the Spanish I’m taught in the classroom outside, I would improve. In my opinion, real world situations are better teachers than just repeated something and having it imprinted on your brain. This experience was really fun and I would definitely support doing another assignment exactly like this or something similar that has to do with going out and using the Spanish you’ve learned in our