My father decides to keep dragging the elk to the water so we could meet up with the other three to make a plan. When we get to them they already had a fire started and we’re planning on staying there but my grandfather and uncle are paddling across the bay to meet up with us. When they get across we meet up and my dad goes under the boat the look at the motor. When he comes back out he has the boat starter and it is cracked from the cold weather.
My dad then takes his phone and goes for a hike to the top of the mountain nearby to try and call for help, he gets ahold of my mom back home and told her to call the Hell Creek Marina. Throughout the night the weather drops more then -30 degrees.
The next morning search and rescue pulls up to our boat. They come onto our boat and makes sure we are all warm enough and still doing okay then they push our boat into the water and we get tossed a rope to tie to the boat and then we make the long trip back to the Hell