One of the closes relationships that I am currently engaging in is with my boyfriend ST. We have been together for almost three years now, and most of the time we are 6000 miles apart. Yes, we are in a long distance relationship, he lives Xuzhou, China, and I go to school here in Seattle. During the span of three years, we have seen some hardships and struggles, and the experiences and memories we share are incalculable. There are times when I am overjoyed and filled with happiness, and other times the distance makes the loneliness so palpable that I am on the verge of giving up. Yet, no matter what happens, he has always been there for me, both physically and emotionally. He has shown me so much love and compassion through his actions and words, especially in moments of sadness and distress. Even though he is not always vocal about how he thinks of me, he offers self-verification and positive illusions that create a satisfying relationship.…