At first there was a brief moment of silence as we were trying to figure out if this was all part of our imagination or if this was actually happening. After about a thirty second silence, we figured out that this wasn’t part of our imagination. As you can imagine we all started laughing hysterically. Jesus stood there looking, and most likely feeling, embarrassed, the rest of us started discussing what we should do with his ripped pants leg. Of course this was after we had laughed hysterically and made fun of him for a little …show more content…
He just ignored our jokes and continued watching the movie. After the movie, he had asked his mother if he could sleep over at the house Cesar was staying at without telling her about his ripped pants. She had said that he couldn’t and had to go home.
Looking back on this memory while writing the essay, I asked Jesus “Hey, what had happened to that pair of pants?”
He thought about it and simply replied “oh those things? I walked into the house and my mom asked if I was going to sleep over with a pair of ripped pants, and I told her that I was going to come back home change then go.”
I also asked what he had done while he was waiting for the rest of us to get back. He had said “I was waiting for you guys when my crush walked up to me and asked why was I waiting there. The only thing I was able to think of was ‘I got shot’. She then left and we never talked about it again.”
Many years after this, Jesus and I still hang out. Much like in the story, Cesar still comes over once every blue moon. David, however, went to the military, so we couldn’t keep in touch as he had no