It always seems like I am cutting it close when I get to school. I need to be at school more than just a minute or two before the bell rings. If all of those close calls would have been tardies, I would have to do something for those consequences. It would not look good on my high school record. I plan to be more on time next year than being late to classes. Hopefully, that will make me a better student if I get to class more on time.
If I was to do anything differently, I would say that I need to read more books. Some people probably think I read a lot of books already, but to me, I do not think I read enough. I love reading, and I always want to read more books. My goal is to get through my bookshelf of books in my room this summer so that when school comes around again, I can read the books from the school library instead of from my shelf. Reading books makes me a better student because it helps me get good grades. Next year, I am going to fix the things that I think need improvement. I am going to become a better musician and student. I hope to achieve those things with the goals that I have set for myself. I see these things as challenges, but they are not so hard that I can not achieve them. They are very accomplishable if I would just set my mind to them and want to do them. I believe I can beat these goals in my next high school year, and at the end, hopefully say that I