Being an active member of AMSA has been an important factor in shaping my identity, however, I do not view it as my master status. As the semester is coming to an end, my status has become increasingly more important. The deadline for points is approaching, so it has become more important to attend weekly events to receive credit for …show more content…
I feel that I have made lasting connections with my AMSA peers, and I now belong to an in-group where I am surrounded my likeminded people who are striving for the same goals. Having the support of knowledgeable upperclassmen and professors has also assured me that Baylor was the right decision for me. I feel confident I will be well prepared to face the medical school application process, and I strongly believe my application will be competitive enough to be considered for acceptance. Before joining AMSA I was not entirely sure what it would take to be a good pre-med student and I did not have a group of friends who shared the same career goals and values as me. Now I feel confident in my abilities as a pre-med student, and I have a group of friend I can rely on throughout this process. I believe because AMSA is so large every student has a different experience, but if a member consistently attends events and makes an effort to get plugged in they too will have a greater sense of belonging at