“Billy, Johnson won the school contest he is now allowed to be a teacher for a day”
Principal Higgins ruggedly yelled over the speakers. “Who am I teaching for?” I asked politely.
Suddenly, Principle Higgins turned around and replied back “You are going to be filling in for Mrs. lewis today!”.
Principle Higgins slowly guides me to Mrs. Lewis's classroom. I come in the classroom noticing everyone’s staring at me, Principle Higgins says with a booming voice ”6th graders today you're going to being taught by Mr. Johnson!”, I see principle higgins walking out of the classroom as if he wasn’t leaving to someone else's job.
They greet me with a slight silence, I start to look around to see if they have a certain schedule, I see they have math on the board, i glanced slightly at the computer seeing a math assignment shining off the screen. I attempt to press print, i did not notice how much paper is going to be printed. It began to spit out millions of papers. Everyone was yelling and screaming, creating chaos. I hear the door slowly creak open , seeing Mrs. Lewis poke her head in through the doorway ”everything ok”. …show more content…
Lewis. She rushed over to the printer and pressed the red button to stop the printing. She looks up at the students and you here a loud shriek of a whistle, you I see hear the room go silent. I swear upon that day, I would never be in a room alone with 6th graders