left to my own devices my brother and I would end up in trouble. While up to my own devices I discovered a box of Band-aids which was decorated by images of the Peanuts characters. This box of bandaids was not merely something to heal the physical wounds but something more. These little strips represented a sense of love and affection as my mother would give me one when I had fallen or tripped and had scraped myself and instantly I would feel better. Then inspiration struck. I ran to my little brother and before long we there were little paper wrappers peeled open like bananas (simile) littering the floor and we both covered in brightly colored, yellow band aids giggling. These small little bandaids made us feel better and filled us with joy and laughter even when we were missing our mother who we hadn’t seen in a month. Bandaids are a small little thing that are able to bring joy, laughter, happiness, and lift my spirit when I need it most. ven know when I feel open a bandaid a small little smile comes over my face. Joy and happiness is something that becomes more difficult to find as we age and are faced with reality.
However, Band-aids still manage to bring that, The bright colors bring back wonderful memories of when we were kids. This joy never fades even when we age, the colors remain the same and characters of the Peanuts and Micky Mouse are still there reminding us of joyful times. The joy of band aids sticks with us but band aids have the power to heal. This power of course is logical. Band-aids protect our injuries from bacteria or dirt that could harm us and cause infection. They give us a sense of security when we are at our weakest. This sense of security is provided by something as simple as a bandaid but it is important not on a physical level but a mental level. This mental security given by a band aid lets us know that even when we are weak there are steps we can take to protect ourselves. Often in life we take for granted these small little adhesive strips with a piece of cotton. However, they are incredible. Band-aids have the power to bring joy. Band-aids have the ability to heal. This joy is brought about the fond memories of childhood and colors that continue even into adulthood. Band-aids represent an ability to heal and something that can protect us from harm. Band-aids provide us hope for joy and healing that we took for granted as children but now yearn for. Band-aids are mighty and it is important in understanding how powerful they are as they stick with