I’ve seen what college has done to people and the results, sometimes aren’t what you think it’ll be.
You want always have that dream job that you went to college for or that nice pay check, sometimes it takes years of looking, putting in job application after job application just to make it somewhere in life. Whatever you do don’t give your hopes up, you can work the streets sling that dope, stay on your grind. That would be the coward’s way out, you got to want it not for just what your family would say about the life you choose but want it for yourself. There are many different trades you can learn from this school welding being one of mine. Ive been taught how to braze that iron coil still, bet I could build that trump tower with American steel. All on how you look at things got to dream big am
Not only did I think college was a joke but let me tell you, the joke will be on you if you don’t show up for class all that loan money you took out you’ll pay it back. Drop out and the government that’s paying for your school you’ll be fined and pay it back. That’s what they don’t tell you till your already enrolled. Student success touches bases down right to the grit don’t leave anything out on how to prepare yourself for college the dos and don’ts. But I’m a rebel and I like to test the water its always wet, that’s when you’ll bust your but and slip, and karmas like I told yah. That’s what I’ve learned this college semester always have a dream but a bright one. Always make a difference in the days you put forth the effort to strive for the best, Never leave your dick hung in the dirt have faith my brother a better day is coming. Believe me it will and when it rains it poor’s. It’ll smell like money in the long run.