It is society’s perceptions about social standing and success and a reliable indicator of socioeconomic status. The amount of money an individual makes for their family and their societal standing is linked with their current living environment and future opportunities. For example, a doctor would score high on a prestige scale, whereas a truck driver would not. An interesting study was done by the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth who took a nationally representative sample of 8,901 people between the ages of 18-28 and were surveyed from 1999-2009. The researchers hypothesized that young adults who go through additional victimization throughout childhood would have low occupational prestige and lower income in comparison to those with no victimization history. The researchers discovered that childhood victimization resulted in slower prestige and income over their life, and the earnings and prestige were low because the victims did not receive the same amount of education as the non-victims. This study concluded that the consequences of victimization had a negative impact on economic success throughout young adulthood with slow growth due to the amount of education (Fernandez et al., 2015). This study is an example of how families with low occupational prestige can have a major affect on children and could continue on for …show more content…
There are certain elements that have become more impactful such as individuals who have a lower social location are prone to have more health problems including substance abuse than other individuals. A study was done that discovered that white males have low education and living in poverty were more likely to have substance abuse and psychological distress ( Tenorio & Lo, 2011). Those who are in poverty have their social location highly affected negatively and gives a broad range of how different our social locations can be to