When I was a kid I grew up shadowing my parents at different community events they were helping to organize. What ever they were doing, whether it be setting up for a banquet or planning the final touches of an event or taking part in an event there I was with my older sister always watching. As I got older I started to get asked to help, of course I started with the little task but somewhere along the line I was getting the big task, helping others complete their task and being an active member of similar groups my parents had belonged to. Reflecting on why I got involved I do not have a specific moment that lead me to where I am , it was just something I was taught and learned as I grew up to be who I am today. The very …show more content…
My biggest commitment would have to be as a Link Crew Leader. The Link Program started in California and has since spread to over 2000 schools across the world. It’s designed with all incoming grade nines being broken into groups of 8-10 students and 30-40 senior students being broken into groups of 2-3. The seniors are then matched with a group of grade nines to form a Link Group. The senior students are the grade nines connection to the rest of the school and they go through intensive leadership training so they can then help the grade nines with their transition to high school. I have been a link leader for the past two …show more content…
Although I may not be able to prevent the worst from happening, I am responsible for my attitude toward the inevitable misfortunes that darken life. Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.” Walter Anderson. This quote reminds me on a daily basis that I am only one person and can not make the world around me positive or a better place by myself but rather, that I can create a ripple effect of positive actions through my own actions. I hope that the long term impact from all the leadership roles I hold is that I help to cause that ripple effect and teach others the importance of being a leader, being a good person and knowing what is really important in life.Sitting at home being unproductive is not my idea of living life. Helping others through volunteering, enjoying activities that interest me and being an avid member of my community is how I want people to remember my