The third goal of the book centers on a reminder for us to be true to ourselves. As humans we are capable because we are endowed with strengths, and as such, there are reasons for us to be happy regardless of challenging life situations. However, Personality Plus emphasizes that as humans, we have our shortcomings which challenge us to be flexible. Tips that are helpful solve weaknesses in every trait. Under this goal, Personality Plus emphasizes the importance of seeing everyone as being unique and not the common way we expect people to just think in a similar way as we do or …show more content…
However, Personality Plus does not substantively offer a direct answer to this issue. Nonetheless, based on hints from the book, while a conventional thought is that temperaments become obvious in childhood, parents need to understand their children first before determining their personality. The concept of “masks of survival” is indeed intriguing in reaction to the bad memories of the past, stressing situations, and unfulfilled needs. It is surprising of how most people in life face these same issues without noticing. For instance, from this concept, it is evident that most people have dominant traits and circumstances with which they find themselves in, and which push their personality to seek attention, command to earn respect, show and demonstrate a sense of