In the late 19th century, the term “homosexuality” was officially coined by a German psychologist, Karoly Maria Benkert . Despite the new introduction of the term, there were various arguments and discussions about philosophical issues in terms of sexuality and cultural understandings of same-sex attraction. According to the definition of Stanford Encyclopedia, homosexuality refers to sexual behavior or interest oriented towards the same sex, and a person with a homophile orientation experiences sexual attraction only towards people of their sex. However, the tolerance of such concept crucially depends on the society of each country background. Unlike most of Western countries, homosexuality in Asia is relatively problematic due to the variety of cultures, traditions and religions which keep a tight rein on sexual liberation as well as basic human rights. Therefore, there are all sorts of national laws, prohibitions or penalty which strictly illegalize homosexual activities across Asia. Nevertheless, the irrefutable widespread of LGBT communities (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender) and the Western influence of the convincing acknowledgement about sexual orientation gradually makes a significant difference in the mindset of non-homosexual communities. In other words, homoeroticism is nowadays more reasonably acceptable in some Asian nations in spite of the rough restrictions in specific areas. Hence, in this essay, I will compare the features which vary in the societal attitudes towards the LGBT communities and their impacts on future prospects in some specific oriental countries such as China, Korea, Indonesia and Russia.
In this era of globalization, Western media has played a dynamic role in influencing the initial cognition of Asian people about sexual freedom which resulted in gay liberation in the late 1960s. Particularly, in Indonesia, it is evident that “printed media, and increasingly the Internet,
References: Murtagh, B. (2011), “Gay, lesbi and waria audiences in Indonesia – watching homosexuality on screen”, Indonesia and the Malay World, vol.39, no. 115, November 2011, pp. 391-415. Kon, I. (2010), “Homophobia as a Litmus Test of Russian Democracy”, Russian Social Science Review, vol 51, no. 3, May-June 2010, pp. 16-37.