
Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage

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Persuasive Essay On Minimum Wage
A minimum wage is the lowest remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers. It is the price floor below which the workers may not work. Minimum wage is set by the federal government or the state in any country. It differs from country to country and states to states. Increase in the minimum wage benefits the workers and their family. It helps to increase the demand of the goods and services which will help in the supply. There are conditions under which raising the minimum wage will increase the demand of the goods and supplies and help in economic efficiency. If the minimum wage is low then there will be buyer of low wage in the market which won’t increase the demand of the goods. The increase in demand will help to create more jobs and more sales. So positive change in minimum wage is necessary.
The price of the products produced by the workers of minimum wage will go up and it will negatively affect the overall consumer purchasing. The workers who work in the company to produce products cannot even afford the products which they make in the company with the minimum wage.
The trend of working has changed in the recent days. The machines are replacing the humans in various sectors. Machines are cheaper than the humans and they work perfectly. They don’t want any
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Lots of people are not able to meet their basic needs with the minimum wage. That’s why the government has brought various welfare programs and food stamps and unemployment compensation. The government spending is more in those welfare programs. The food stamps and other welfare programs has brought lots of positive changes in the country. The food stamps increase the ability of the poor to buy the food and other necessary supplies required in their day to day life. The poor and unemployed can search the jobs and work if they are healthy. So the health benefits for the poor has helped them to get the job and work for

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