Second of all, college sports is big business. You might argue College sports generate billions of dollars, to be exact 11 Billion dollars in annual revenues. These revenues are given to NCAA executives, athletic directors and coaches in the form of salaries, and no athlete sees a dollar, When they truly are the reason these billions of dollars are made. The NCAA is flourishing while players continue to struggle paying for food, travel, books and other expenses. Now you might say, why cant such one go get a job. However, College sports are a full time job, practices take priority after all acedemics are finished and thus, allows no time for a secular job.
The main reason paying college athletes has not been legalized is that many veiw college athletics as amaetur sports. Many say that payingf college athletes would debase the essence of amaetur sports.However, On the subject of the word amateur, the Bing dictionary defines an amaetur as somoeone who does ssomething for spure pleasure, and no gain. As stated before, athletes devote their lives to sports,And play for their greater good thus it can almost be likend to a job. Therefore, how are these sports truly "Amaeture" .
Also ones who refute paying college athletes say that there is a great unfairness with paying college athletes. How could