The show begins with Rick waking up in the hospital from a coma. He stumbles out of the hospital not knowing that the zombie virus has taken over and immediately begins the search for his family. Now obviously nobody has woken up in a zombie filled world now but that sense of family is something viewers can connect with. Having that family first mentality is a great way to draw viewers in. The characters themselves are also easy to connect with. The most recent season finale has caused major controversy amongst viewers. The episode ends with Negan killing off one of the original survivors of group, but the identity of the survivor is a mystery. Some Walking Dead fans are so upset they claim to never watch the show again and bash the producers. It is very easy for viewers to connect with characters and makes it that much more interesting. The Walking Dead is all around great show. For action adventure show lovers, The Walking Dead is perfect. Its addicting. Every episode is different and it always leaves viewers stunned. Although it pushes the boundary of being a horror show and drama, it stays true to a action adventure show. It has a perfect balance between action and adventure. The Walking Dead pushes boundaries, has a inconsistent storyline, and plenty of ways for viewers to connect to it which is why it truly is the best action adventure
The show begins with Rick waking up in the hospital from a coma. He stumbles out of the hospital not knowing that the zombie virus has taken over and immediately begins the search for his family. Now obviously nobody has woken up in a zombie filled world now but that sense of family is something viewers can connect with. Having that family first mentality is a great way to draw viewers in. The characters themselves are also easy to connect with. The most recent season finale has caused major controversy amongst viewers. The episode ends with Negan killing off one of the original survivors of group, but the identity of the survivor is a mystery. Some Walking Dead fans are so upset they claim to never watch the show again and bash the producers. It is very easy for viewers to connect with characters and makes it that much more interesting. The Walking Dead is all around great show. For action adventure show lovers, The Walking Dead is perfect. Its addicting. Every episode is different and it always leaves viewers stunned. Although it pushes the boundary of being a horror show and drama, it stays true to a action adventure show. It has a perfect balance between action and adventure. The Walking Dead pushes boundaries, has a inconsistent storyline, and plenty of ways for viewers to connect to it which is why it truly is the best action adventure