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Hello, my name is Owen Doherty and I am writing to you in hope to persuade you to change your environmental policy.
I am eighteen years old living in the United Kingdom and I am deeply concerned that the future of this planet is hopeless due to your current policy on climate change. There is scientific evidence that shows that the global climate is changing with rising sea levels, extreme heatwaves and the melting of ice and snow. The effects of climate change have a considerably large impact on human health, impacts of which will all be the consequences of your actions. A decision you solely decided on. Who are you to degrade our air quality?
There are 3 million deaths every single year due to ambient …show more content…
The planet is in a critical state and we must act. Temperatures will continue to rise, more droughts and heat waves, Hurricanes will become stronger and more intense and the Sea level will rise 1-4 feet by 2100. The Arctic is likely to become ice-free and at the current rate, polar bears will become extinct within 30-40 years. People say “Years, in years this will happen” everything when put into context sounds so far away but on a realistic timescale it’s not so far away we are only delaying the inevitable. There are 7 billion people on this planet together we can solve the problem and reduce global temperatures by a significant amount but nobody! Is willing to setup and do what needs to be done. These executive orders being announced are completely pointless and have no effect long-term if we do not combat climate change. You cannot! Allow the Dakota Pipeline Deal to proceed the pipeline threatens the water supply to millions of people. Not only that but pumping hundreds of thousands of gallons of shale oil into the waters will increase the effects of climate change rapidly.
Please help us save ourselves by acting now don’t be the one to decide when people come or go. Make a difference for the better while we still have limited