My pet peeve is people who invite themselves somewhere. I hate it when I’m talking about plans and someone invites themselves. It is inconvenient because, you might have to change some arrangement that you have already made.
If someone invites themselves somewhere and you don’t want them to go, but you just don’t want to tell them that they can’t go because you don’t want them to get mad, or make them feel like they aren’t included. It may sound like you are not including them but if they are your friend you are including them in some other stuff, you just don’t want them to come this time. But if they are not your friend just an acquaintance and they over hear you talking about something and they invite themselves you don’t want them to get mad at you if you tell them that you don’t want them to go.
If you and your friend have plans for the weekend with some people that the one friend that just invited themselves to doesn’t really talk to or hangout with they will probably get bored and not have a good time and you wouldn’t want them not to have fun.
If one of your friends tells you that they are staying over your house this weekend or tells you that you are coming somewhere with them, but you don’t want them to and you don’t have any plans. You could tell them that you have something to do with your family.
In conclusion, you know that my pet peeve is that when people invite themselves somewhere and that you can avoid that by not talking about your plans, or tell them that you are busy. If you wouldn’t want anyone to invite themselves somewhere with you, don’t be the person that does