If you’re a fitness freak like me or spend countless hours in the gym rather than your own home you know what goes on wants you step a foot in the gym. But at one point or another we’ve all seen nasty, irritating, and confusing behavior by others at a gym or reaction center. Like for instance it are giant puddles of sweat left on machines, a meathead hoarding dumbbells in a packed weight room, or that one old man or women nude in the locker room. Nevertheless, for some people common respect seems to disappear in a gym setting now days. However, the common pet peeves I have always experience is preventable if people follow my advice, then everyone’s workout will go peacefully and smoothly.
One of my many pet peeves is when a crazy sweaty people do not clean there machine because sweat spread diseases. For example, they continually leave giant puddles of sweat all over workout equipment. Not only sweat is a problem with me, but also people who do not pick up after themselves. Such as free weights, foam rollers, towels, and yoga mats. My subjection is it back where it belongs if you use it. In addition, I am quite sure others around you do not want the most common decease in gyms now days so be kind and pick up after yourself.
People should not hog equipment because it waste time and prevent others from working out. I can’t stand when people who grab one piece of equipment and won’t let you work in. For example, every time I go into 24-hour fitness in Kansas City. Sadly, there is always that one male or female who puts their bag down next to the squat rack and reserve it like it is a plane ticket. However, even after they get on the squat rack they spend about twenty-five percent of the time lifting, and the next seventy-five percent cursing around talking to friends or staring at mirror acting like a peacock. If you do not want to work out fully get off the machine and let others who are waiting use it because they do not want to