
Peter In The Gospel Of Luke

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Peter In The Gospel Of Luke
1. I feel like I can relate to Peter and his story in the Gospel of Luke. Peter’s Denial of Jesus (22:54-65) is the story where Peter is being questioned by authorities if he knew Jesus or not. Peter is questioned three times and is recognized by bystanders for being associated with Jesus. Jesus tells Peter “Before the cock crows today, you will deny me three times.” Peter does not believe him, but after being questioned three times, Peter denies ever knowing Jesus. I can relate to how Peter feels because of the pressure that is being put on him. Peter feels scared and does not know what to do in this difficult situation even though it is the right thing to admit that he knows Jesus. I feel like this situation is related to peer pressure that …show more content…
The Parable of the Good Samaritan (11:29-37) shows that we should treat everyone with kindness and respect, no matter who they are and where the come from. The story is addressed to a scholar who asked Jesus “And who is my neighbor?” (11:29). Jesus tells him a story about a man who was robbed and beat while he was on his way to Jericho. The man was lying on the road, too hurt to move. A priest walked down the road where the man happened to be laying on and instead of helping the man, the priest ignores him and walks away. Later, a Levite comes down the road and also refuses to help the man. The man was shocked that his fellow neighbors refused to help him. Later, a Samaritan, who is usually an enemy, walked down the road where the man was laying. The Samaritan was good-hearted and helped out the man by healing his wounds and taking him to an inn to be cared for. “Take care of him,” the Good Samaritan told the innkeeper. “If you spend more than what I have given you, I shall repay you on my way back” (11:35). Jesus is teaching us to do the same thing as the Good Samaritan did. We should treat everyone with love and mercy. In high school, we should try to respect everyone, our peers, teachers, and faculty. We shouldn’t selfish and only think of ourselves. We should be humble and put others’ needs before ours. If we act like the Good Samaritan, we will get the same good deeds back in …show more content…
Who is Jesus? In Luke’s Gospel, he tells many stories of Jesus’ healing works. One story of Jesus’ healing power can be found in The Cleansing of a Leper (11:12-16). A leper asked Jesus to make him clean, so Jesus laid his hands over him and healed him of his sickness. In “The Pardon of the Sinful Woman” (7:36-50) Jesus shows true compassion and the characteristic of forgiving. A woman goes up to Jesus and washes his feet with her hair. A Pharisee with him saw this and said, “If this man were a prophet, he would know who and what sort of woman this is who is touching him, that she is a sinner (7:39). But Jesus tells the Pharisee that the woman’s sins have been forgiven since she has shown great love. This story shows Jesus’ mercy for others. Another true characteristic of Jesus is his courage. It must’ve taken a lot of strength to carry the cross and still stand up after being beat up so many times. During the Crucifixion of Jesus (23:33-43), many of the soldiers make fun of him but Jesus stays strong and does not let their mean words hurt him. Jesus is then confronted by two criminals who are on his left and his right. One of the criminals taunts Jesus saying (23:39), “Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us.” The other criminal however says that Jesus has not done anything wrong and hopes Jesus will remember him when He enters God’s kingdom. Jesus replies saying, “Amen, I say to you, today you will be with me in Paradise” (23:43). I truly believe Jesus is our

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