by Graham Leask & David Parker
Graham Leask, Aston Business School, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK and David Parker, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL, UK
ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to acknowledge the valuable assistance of IMS Health in the preparation of this manuscript, in particular the assistance of Alan Johnson, and the helpful comments of a referee on an earlier draft of the paper.
Strategic Group Theory: review, examination and application in the UK pharmaceutical industry.
Strategic Group Theory: review, examination and application in the UK pharmaceutical industry. Structured Abstract Category Keywords: General review. strategic groups, strategic mapping, industrial structure, UK, pharmaceutical industry.
Purpose of this This paper considers the current status of strategic group theory in the light paper of developments over the last three decades. It then goes on to discuss the continuing value of the concept, both to strategic management research and practising managers. Methodology Critical review of the idea of strategic groups together with a practical strategic mapping illustration. Findings Strategic group theory still provides a useful approach for management research, which allows a detailed appraisal and comparison of company strategies within an industry. Research implications Strategic group research would undoubtedly benefit from more directly comparable, industry-specific studies, with a more careful focus on variable selection and the statistical methods used for validation. Future studies should aim to build sets of industry specific variables that describe strategic choice within that industry. The statistical methods used to identify strategic groupings need to be robust to ensure that strategic groups are not solely an artefact of method. Practical implications The
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