This project is insight into the design and implementation of a Pharmacy Management System.
The primary aim of is to improve accuracy and enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store. Today management is one ofthe most essential features of all form.
Management provides sophistication to perform any kind of task in a particular form. This is pharmacy management system; it is used to manage most pharmacy related activities in the pharmacy. BENEFITS OF THE PROPOSED SYSTEM
The proposed system would be designed to help make the rigorous activities carriedout in a pharmacy much easier by providing the statistics of drugs in stock,monitoring drug movement in the pharmacy and ensuring effective policing of the activities in the pharmacy.The new system will be designed to provide the following benefits in the interest of the pharmacy; The system would enhance management services and improve productivity. The system would enhance User/System interface. The system would be cost effective. The system would improve information quality and accessibility.
The aim of this project is to develop a software for the effective management of a pharmaceutical store that will be able to achieve the following objectives:
Ensuring effective policing by providing statistics of the drugs in stock.
Maintaining correct database by providing an option to update the drugs instock.
Improving the efficiency of the system by ensuring effective monitoring of services and activities. To provide optimal drug inventory management by monitoring the drug movement in the pharmacy. To ensure that there exists a level of restricted access based on functionality and role.
To ensure that the system is user friendly.
To be able to generate report within a specified period of time.
The scope of this project is limited to the activities of a pharmaceutical store which