How do individuals experience positively long term friendship? The aim of this study is to show what long term friendship means to people and how important the long term friendship is. The study reports data from semi-structure interviews with two female participants, which was analysed using interpretive phenomenological psychologist method. This project examines how long term friendship is experienced and what are the individual’s expectations from long term friendship. First the analysis demonstrates the expectation of a long-term friendship this include sharing, trusting each other, honesty and communication with friends. Then it looked at the existence of friendship this includes needing a friend when feeling stressed, friend and family members, going to holiday and having different friends. Finally the analysis demonstrates benefits and negatives of having long-term friendship this include sharing and finding solutions and negative side of friends and friends can turn their back.
This project relates to close relationship it looks at how long-term friendship developed and how it feels to have long-term friendship. Close relationship considers how others expectations can take the control of the relationship therefore the social network could affect the decision of individuals (Sclater,2012). Four articles will be used in this study to see if the finding is relevant. ‘What are friends for? Student’s expectations of the friendship encounter’. This article found that students goes to their friends when having problems instead of going to university counselling and that close friends are the first choice for people when dealing with personal problems because they believe their personal expectations will be met by their friends. The participants were certain that their friends will be genuine, trustworthy and accepting characteristics.(Parham et