
Physician Assisted Suicide Should Not Be Legalized Essay

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In today’s society, giving up appears to be normal. When people are faced with struggles, they often choose the easiest course, running away from them. People should persist and overcome their bad situations. Society does not have enough fight left in it. One never knows how something could turn out. Physician-assisted suicide may not be easy, but it is a horrible choice. It is the act of a doctor prescribing lethal doses of drugs to alleviate one’s pain. A doctor’s job is to help someone live. It is not to help someone die. A doctor takes a hippocratic oath when they receive their license. By assisting someone in ending their life would violate that oath. Physician-assisted suicide should not be legalized.

Scientists have determined that the brain controls all pain. Pain is in one’s head, and emotions determine its severity. It may feel as if the pain is in one’s back, but it is really the circuits in the brain telling one that pain exists. One’s brain even has the capability to increase or decrease the pain, by paying more or less attention to it. This supports the idea
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Around the world, some people take it upon to themselves to help their friends and families. The help they think they are doing is actually harm. If a person tries to help their family or friend end their life, it is murder. No matter the circumstances, a person killing another person is murder. If murder is deemed unlawful, physician-assisted suicide should be, too. There is no difference in a family member and a doctor wanting to end a person’s suffering. Both of these people are taking a life. There are some people in this world that would try to become a doctor, or pose as one, to be able to kill people. If physician-assisted suicide is illegal, more than likely this would not happen and somehow go unnoticed. It would be considered fine to do such a

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