Ryan Su
Tavit Marokosian
Roseanne Hui
Digestion Proposal
Learning Objectives
1. Be able to divide food processing into four stages, and provide an explanation of each stage.
2. Compare and contrast main feeding mechanisms of different animals, along with intracellular and extracellular digestion.
3. Be able to draw a diagram of the human digestive system.
a. Identify major organs and functions
b. Identify interactions between organs
c. Be able to identify hormones that regulate digestive organs
4. Identify and explain evolutionary adaptations of mammalian digestive system
a. Dentition and diet
b. Enlarged cecums
5. Compare and contrast marine animals digestive systems and evolutionary traits
1. Go over quiz (5 min)
2. Lecture on types of digestive systems and human digestion (15 min)
a. Demonstration
3. Drawing order of human digestion assessment activity (10 min)
4. Introduction to evolutionary adaptations lecture (10 min)
5. Activity (30 min)
a. Match marine digestive organs with given animals based on proposed evolved digestive systems
b. Go over activity
6. Jeopardy Assessment activity (20 min)
7. Contingency plan (10 min)
a. Show more videos on animals and digestion
Quiz key terms
- Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores, suspension feeders, filter feeder, bulk feeders, fluid feeders, substrate feeders, peristalsis, sphincters, amylase, bolus, chime, gastric juice, pepsin, ruminants, leptin