Cognitive Psychology
17 April 2012
Compare and Contrast Cognitive development is the development of intelligence and problem-solving ability that begins when you are a child. Jean Piaget and Lev S. Vygotsky were two psychologists who focused on cognitive development and had similar and different ideas with the subject. We will found out how Piagets theory is compared and contrast to Vygotskys theory. Jean Piaget was a Swiss psychologist that focused on the education of children and its importance. His two major principles operated in cognitive development were organization and adaptation. Piagets organization principle focused on how the mind is structured in increasingly complex ways. He viewed schemes as a mental …show more content…
Vygotsky is a Russian psychologist who also focuses on the importance of children education. Vygotsky observed the way children arrange objects, such as blocks differing in color, shape, and size. He viewed six years olds being more selective and choosing a certain type of color, shape or size. Vygotsky believed that the children under the age of six used a chain concept which the classification changes throughout the selection process. He also believes that preschoolers seemed to categorize stuff thematically rather than taxonomically. Meaning adults will categorize specific objects that relate to each other in one category like animals which is the taxonomic classification. Thematic classification is shown by children. The children will categorize different things with each other because they are either on it or near it. An example in the book was that a child would classify a cat with a chair and a toy with a bookcase. Vygotsky thought that children pass through different stages of conceptual development. The first is the social stage which is the age up to 3. He believes that the social stage controls the behavior of others. The second stage which is the egocentric stage is showed in children from the ages 3-7 years old. The egocentric stage is the stage that focuses on controlling behavior. And lastly, the last stage was the inner stay. The inner stage was for people who were 7-older. This staged focused on language and how it is involved in high mental