In the distance, a roar of the opposing crowd commenced as the band began to shout their fight song. The white jerseys swarmed together to celebrate, while faint shadows walked up the home stands and to their cars in disappointment. The pit in my stomach only got bigger as I thought about all that I had given this game whether it was the grueling track workouts every summer, the demanding practices, or the strenuous nine months of rehab I went through just to strap up my helmet again. It was at this moment - as the salty taste of my sweat and tears dripped into my mouth - that I knew how much I loved this game and how much I would miss everything about
In the distance, a roar of the opposing crowd commenced as the band began to shout their fight song. The white jerseys swarmed together to celebrate, while faint shadows walked up the home stands and to their cars in disappointment. The pit in my stomach only got bigger as I thought about all that I had given this game whether it was the grueling track workouts every summer, the demanding practices, or the strenuous nine months of rehab I went through just to strap up my helmet again. It was at this moment - as the salty taste of my sweat and tears dripped into my mouth - that I knew how much I loved this game and how much I would miss everything about