Translation is the rederring proccess or transfering meaning from source language to source language, in this case the analysis will focus on the movie script and subtitle of pirates caribean “dead man’s chest” that translating from english to indonesia.
According to Machail (2009), a language expert of University of New South Wales explined that translation is an effort to replace text of source language to the equivalence …show more content…
In movie translating, of course, there will be the replacement from soure languag to target language. The traslation should fulfill three important aspect as a good translation. A good translation should fulfill three criteria accuracy, acceptance and readibility of the text. (Nababan, 2010). Accuracy, acceptance, and readibility is dealing with the meaning of the text, because god translation should united the dfference of two language of the text from source language to target language, so that, we can deliver the message of source language to target lanuage wthout changing the meaning of the …show more content…
TL: Hasrat yang menyala-nyala untuk membagikan rahasia kepada dunia membakar diri saya.. (Hendrastuti, 2012: 189)
6. Description (Description)
Translation techniques that replace terms in the source language with descriptions in the target language. This technique is used when a term in the source language does not have a corresponding term in the target language.
SL: I like panetton.
TL: I love panetton, kue tradisional italia yang dimakan saat tahun baru .
7. Discursive Creation
Translation techniques that use a temporary equivalent are far from their original context. This technique often appears in the translation of movie titles, books, and novels.
SL: The Minangkabau Response To The Dutch Colonial rule in the Nineteenth Century.
TL: Asal usul elit minangkabau modern : XIX / XX. (Havid Ardi, 2010: 400)
8. Equivalent equivalent (Established Equivalence)
Translating the terms in source language with terms that are already prevalent in the target language. The term in the source language is generally based on a dictionary or everyday expression.
SL: Sincerely yours
TL: Hormat kami
9. Generalization