The placebo controlled experiment design can be helpful in this study. In order to determine the effect of caffeinated energy drink, the total of twenty athletes will volunteer to participate in it. All the participants will be divided into two groups; ten will drink caffeinated energy drink and other ten will ingest placebo (no caffeine content). The drinks will be served in an opaque bottle to avoid its identification and to make sure that player drink beverages in it entirely. Both the drinks will have same appearance, taste but different caffeine content. Each participate will be required to take part in two trials under the same experimental conditions and standards. The both trials should be performed at the same time of day to avoid the effect of circadian rhythms in the variable. For the study, the participants will ingest caffeinated energy drink according to their body mass and sixty minutes before their performance. The sixty minute timeframe will help the caffeine to absorb completely in the body. The next trial will take place after one week from the first trial as this time period will allow the caffeine to washout from the body. Sixty minutes after the consumption of caffeinated energy drink and placebo drink, their performance will be accessed to find out the outcomes of these drinks on the strength.
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The certified anthropometrist should record their anthropometric measured. One day before the trial, athletes will be required to perform 60 minutes short training session with light exercise intensity and should adopt pre-competition diet. The athletes should avoid all sort of caffeine and alcohol, 48 hours prior to testing. On the testing day, one group of players will drink 3 mg per kilogram of caffeine. For the assessment of muscle strength KinCom III dynamometer, electromyogram and blood assays will be