Give a brief description of the placement, its location and primary purpose as well as the names and titles of the main people involved.
What activities or events did you observe? Give a description of these.
NB: Do not allocate too many words to this section – it is an introduction only.
2. Describe the primary aims and objectives of the church/ Christian organisation which you are observing
What does the church/ organisation define as its key aims and objectives? How are these expressed in practical terms? (e.g. is there a mission statement?) Howe were the aims / objectives arrived at? How well are they understood by (a) the leadership, (b) those who support the work, (c) those for whom it is undertaken?
If there is no mission statement then how do the members of the church/ organisation and those for whom it works know what its primary aims are? Are these communicated in some other way?
How successful is the programme or activity you have been observing? You should describe this critically and objectively. How is success measured?
What are the main theological presuppositions and/or beliefs which underlie the organisation and its work? Are these clearly expressed and understood?
3. Comment on the style(s) of leadership around which the church/ organisation is based.
How would you describe the leadership style? Is it biblically derived or led by a particular management-style? Is it effective in enabling the aims and objectives to be understood? What aspects, if any, of gender and/or social background are evident in the way in which leadership is understood and undertaken?
Are the leaders accepted/ respected within the organisation? Is there evidence of conflict within the organisation? If so, how is this handled?
4. Theological Reflection
Here you need to reflect theologically on what you have observed during your placement and be able to describe some of the processes at work in theological terms. You may wish to