For this assignment I will be looking at the recent organisational restructure which took place in our work place. Having a background in senior management for over 20 years I have always viewed this sector with continual improvement as a key to stay one step ahead and in the words of Isaac Asimov “The only constant is change, continuing change, inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be.”
— (Asimov)
One arm of the company provides support to people with disabilities throughout the North West, it has had a long established structure of one team leader in each property who is responsible for the administration of the home. Only a small %’age of their time is actually spent on this task and the strategic decision to implement a reorganisation was taken.
Proposal of change required:
Our mission statement is "To enable and support people to live their lives to the full." We have done this by providing bespoke support services to individuals, small groups or larger setting environments by utilising a network of support staff supervised by team leaders. These team leaders are our middle management and the effective use of their time has been reviewed and we would like to address the imbalance of their “skills” away from support and back to administration in this way we would not be taking any direct support out of the service as their time would be replaced with direct support staff, thus enabling us to continue to achieve our company objectives without any disruption to the service.
By making this proposal it is expected that the driving forces behind it will enable the company to provide an improved support service with additional flexibility, stronger teams and a more responsive, streamlined organisational structure.
To analyse the
References: Asimov, I. (n.d.). Science Fiction. Science Fiction . Brown, L. (n.d.). Quote. Brown, L. (n.d.). You cannot expect to achieve new goals or move beyond your present circumstances unless you change. Doran, G. T. (1981). Management Review . Erik Brynjolfsson, A. R. (1996). The Matrix of Change:A Tool for Business Process Reengineering. Nikolaou, M. V. (n.d.). Attitudes towards organizational change - What is the role of employees’ stress and commitment. Taylor, F. W. (1911). The Principles of Scientific Management. Harper & Row.