As offenders are permitted to make deals for crimes committed because of lack of evidence, the defendants lack of knowledge of the judicial process, financial disparity, pressure to close a case, or lack of proper representation; the …show more content…
With the current system, the victim is offended yet again with the belittling or downgrading of the offense to assure a conviction by the prosecution. While we would all like to see justice, the trading of deals for convictions should be better managed as not to make a mockery of the justice system we hold dear. Likewise, implementation of specific criteria for consideration of a plea bargain should put in place as not to allow a habitual offender the opportunity to plea just to save on the preparation time of a trial. Finally, as seen in the prison and jail populations, the number of offenders with multiple offences, having previously taken a plea is an indications that the use of the plea bargain is a detriment to the justice system as the habitual offender is not deterred from criminal activity because of the greater than average chance that the charges will be reduced in a plea. As such, the proposal of a review of criminal histories and again meeting specific criteria for considerations of a plea may be an option to