It seems as though it has become a common occurrence to see an issue about police brutality on the news today. Events such as the shootings of Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the Dallas police are just a few of the many topics that are connected to the ongoing debate of police brutality in America.
Because of the issue of police brutality, one can immediately see there are two conflicting sides that are constantly quarrelling. One group can be perceived as type of people who support the equality of African Americans. They feel that the police, the people whose job is to protect all in the community, are the ones who are specifically targeting blacks. The men and women supporting this movement want to see blacks have the same equality as everyone else and not be prosecuted by the police based on the color of their skin. The ones opposing this particular movement can be seen siding with the police. They feel as though the police are being targeted by society from the events going on, and the police force is not to be blamed for the events that transpired. Because of these two conflicting movements, there is a great divide among the people of this nation.
The debate dealing with police brutality shows how easy for humans to argue and not get anything done. For some reason, it is part of human nature to pick sides. If one is pro- black lives matter, than he is anti- police and vice versa. It is this kind of mentality that restricts us as humans to deal with the issues in today’s society. Instead of trying to come up with solutions, people like to point fingers on who is to blame. This just increases the divide between the citizens of America. Although we have disagreements, it is the job of the people to overcome these obstacles and try to overcome them, not to blame others.