While racism is thought to be not present in today’s society, this dissertation will present various topics and relations supporting a cause against that. It examines the results of police brutality and how racial profiling and racism is closely tied with it. This dissertation also tests the arguments that racism is non-existent in the present day. By researching further into these topics, information was collected and presents the Michael Brown (Ferguson) case as a major reason why these issues need to be addressed and fixed once and for all.
Although we may think racism has slightly decreased within the past few decades, police brutality is one prime example that it is still existent in today’s …show more content…
In August of 1997, there were reports of a police brutality outrage in New York City. All over the country there were newspapers that Abner Louima, a Haitian immigrant to the US was arrested and taken into a restroom, beat severely and sodomized with a plunger handle. Although this is not acknowledged as something more than excessive force by the NYPD forces, it is not the only incident that involves excessive force. These incidents have even failed to put any blame on police departments because they are ignored every time. No change was made; no corrections were told to the …show more content…
It is being practiced in our countries and others. Whether it is very noticeable or not, this is an issue that should be addressed. While there have been protests and almost complete destruction of small towns and cities to prove a point against brutality, it still seems like it is not enough. Ultimately, these issues will eventually have to be solved sooner or later. Our enlightened society does have better judgment than it did generations ago and knowing so, we will fix this and stop assuming that people are neither good nor bad depending on their appearance.
1. Buchanan, L. (2014, August 12). What Happened in Ferguson? Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2014/08/13/us/ferguson-missouri-town-under-siege-after-police-shooting.html?_r=0
2. Gross, S., & Livingston, D. (n.d.). Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.jstor.org/stable/1123676?seq=3
3. Clarke, R. (2014, November 11). Why was Michael Brown shot? Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.vox.com/cards/mike-brown-protests-ferguson-missouri/mike-brown-shooting-facts-details
4. DeVega, C. (n.d.). 10 Ways Racism Killed Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Retrieved November 20, 2014, from http://www.alternet.org/civil-liberties/10-ways-racism-killed-michael-brown-and-eric-garner
5. Miller, M. Yale Law & Policy Review, Vol. 17, No. 1 (1998),