The code of conduct is in place to ensure that Poplar Bank is a safe and healthy learning environment, where everyone is happy and feels comfortable being themselves.
It makes Poplar Bank a much safer place, where students can focus 100% on their education, and not feel threatened. It ensures that no students are discriminated against for any reason, such as body, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disabilities etc. It keeps students in line on the buses as not to cause an accident. If it were not in place it would not be the great school it is today, where students look forward to learning new things
everyday. The Code of Conduct is to be followed all the time on school property. However, what happens if students do not adhere to the code of conduct? They will be punished, obviously. They will be punished based on the severity of their actions. The punishments can range from missing recess to suspension or expulsion (for very severe violations). Some students may think the teacher is being mean when handing out punishments, but it is always for the students good. If there was no punishment for breaking the code of conduct, what’s to stop everyone from breaking the code of conduct? So, in conclusion, the code of conduct is a document that outlines the behavioral expectations for students on school property and on the buses, as well as the dress code. It is in place to make sure that Poplar Bank is a healthy and safe learning environment, and that no student is discriminated against for any reason. If the students break the code of conduct they shall be punished. If it were not for the code of conduct, Poplar Bank Public School would not be the great place I look forward to going to everyday.