In my setting (First Steps Playgroup) the policy for positive behaviour states that good behaviour and discipline are essential to ensure a smooth and safe environment for everyone. Staff and students must be aware of this policy and understand the importance of their own role in promoting positive behaviour. Our policy not only covers the behaviour of children but also the behaviour of adults in the setting. Below are the main points of our behaviour policy:-
At all times we must act as a good role model by showing consideration, respect and good manners to and for others, especially the children, by showing what is appropriate behaviour and giving good eye contact and body language.
Be positive, constructive and fair to all children, treating all children the same.
When a child shows positive behaviour is it very important to praise and reward them.
We will always lay out activities that are age appropriate and encourage sharing and taking turns.
If a child is hurting others or behaving in an unsafe manner we will intervene in a calm manner.
There are boundaries in place that adults must follow to show the children what behaviour is acceptable and what is not.
Staff should be able to differentiate between deliberate and accidental incidents.
Staff must be aware there may be underlying problems when unacceptable behaviour occurs.
We will endeavour to work with parents and carers to promote and encourage acceptable behaviour.
Under no circumstances should a child be smacked, shaken, humiliated, ridiculed, threatened or left in isolation. This is grossly wrong, against the law and would cause the child harm, to feel unsafe and undervalued.
Encouraging positive behaviour can have a big impact on children and young people in terms of their social skills, personal development and their education. Creating a positive environment in early