Care Value Base
The care value base is a set of rules and guidelines that every care practitioner has to follow in order to provide services to their clients.
The seven principles are:
1. Promoting anti-discriminatory practice
2. Maintaining confidentiality of information
3. Promoting and supporting individual’s right to dignity, independence, choice and safety
4. Acknowledging people's personal beliefs and identities
5. Protecting individuals from abuse
6. Providing effective communication and relationships
7. Providing individualized care
Care Values Include:
- Confidentiality
- Effective Communication
- Privacy
- Respect
- Empowerment
- Anti-Discriminatory Practice
Anti-Discriminatory Practice
Anti-Discriminatory Practice is when no one can be discriminated against based on their Colour, Religion, Learning Ability, Race, Sexual Orientation and Disability (Physical or Mental). If a person is discriminated against then they can get hold of a number of groups and prosecute the individuals, or companies for this. An example of ‘anti-discriminatory practice’ would be to treat all children fairly and equally such as during class discussions/activities every child should get the chance to participate and share their views with the rest of their peers. Also celebrating special religious occasions such as: Eid, Christmas, Diwali, Easter and Chinese New Year by doing this you’re showing the child that you value their beliefs in addition to that you can set up different activities based around the religious celebrations this will give the other children that aren’t from that background more of an