They need you to create and enforce boundaries to give them a feeling of security. (Cowley,2010,9). Creating a safe environment within a classroom to establish a PLE requires using the strategy of inclusion. Inclusion provides a feeling of safety and security through the idea that children feel comfortable in the knowledge that as a teacher I will ensure that they have full access to the curriculum, Lessons should be planned to ensure that there are no barriers to every pupil achieving (DfE,2013,8). As a teacher, I am required to ensure Inclusion means enabling pupils to participate in the life and work of mainstream institutions to the best of their abilities, whatever their needs (Dixie,2011,14), which suggests to create a PLE inclusion must be linked with differentiation to create a safe environment. Differentiation maintains TS1B children are challenged within their own abilities and I should set high expectations for every pupil and plan stretching work for pupils whose attainment is significantly above the expected standard (DfE,2013,8). Inclusion and differentiation as strategies to establish a PLE is a huge and varied group of ideas, from SEN to GT children, deploying support staff effectively through focus groups and one-to-one help as needed by TS8C, they are key tools which will able me to create a PLE through engaging …show more content…
Both self, peer and teacher assessment through feedback, are amazing tools to create a PLE through giving the responsibility of learning to the children, therefore Maslows idea that the creation of self esteem (through assessment) as a basic need allows children to fulfil their potential, The need to foster pupils self-esteem as learners is fundamental to establishing a positive classroom climate, (Kyriacou,2008,73), therefore, The purpose of self- and peer-assessment is to help children to have a better understanding of assessment and therefore what constitutes progress and success. (Dunn,2012,39). Teacher feedback for a PLE in TS6D, explains that once respect has been established as discussed earlier, it becomes easier to engage formative assessment through teacher feedback, Feedback of success at a challenging task is particularly effective in stimulating future motivation. (Kyriacou,1998,102). Once a class has motivation and stimulation, TS2E states that pupils will take a responsible and conscientious attitude to their own work and study (DfE,2011,8) once this is established, the environment they are working is one that is positive, not only as a PLE but with