Research Paper Proposal
February 28, 2013
* Names : Eden Marie Lumabas Marinela Balbero Christine Jinette Mariano
* Subject of the Paper :
* Why Writing this paper will be beneficial to me :
This will be beneficial to me because writing this proposal is important to us especially to those who want to take a MASTER’S DEGREE. And to get also knowledge about post graduate student. Post Graduate is all about Professionalism.
* Thesis :
What is Post Graduate? Why this is important? What is the difference between Master’s Degree and Postgraduate? Types of Post Graduate Qualifications. List of Doctoral Studies. School that has award advance academic degrees. Post Graduate in other country. * Approach :
HIGH INCOME - Of or relating to individuals or groups, such as families, that are supported by or earn income considered high in comparison with that of the larger population: high-income taxpayers.
PROFESSIONAL - is a person who is engaged in a certain activity, or occupation, for gain or compensation as means of livelihood; such as a permanent career, not as an amateur or pastime. The traditional professions were doctors, engineers, lawyers, architects and commissioned military officers. Today, the term is applied tonuses, accountants, educators, scientists, technology experts, social workers, artists, librarians (information professionals) and many more.
LICENSURE - means a restricted practice requiring a license, which gives a "permission to practice." Such licenses are usually issued in order to regulate some activity that is deemed to be dangerous or a threat to the person or the public or which involves a high level of specialized skill. The danger and skill elements inspire governments not to allow a free-for-all, but to regulate the activity,
References: : 1 All Online Article