Seeing how miserable their lives could become, this will dissuade younger kids and anyone questioning whether to take prescriptions drugs from doing so. Clearly, this will scare many people, considering the many side effects the drugs that the government is testing may have. These human test subjects may even die throughout the course of testing these drugs, but this is the price you pay for utilizing prescription drugs for non-medical purposes.
Secondly, having these human subjects will save all animals from being tested on. Many animals are abused and mistreated during the drug testing process. Monkeys get addicted to drugs and have holes drilled into their skulls. Tiny mice grow tumors the size of their entire bodies. Kittens are blinded purposefully. My proposal will save all of these cute, fluffy, and innocent animals from being permanently injured or possibly killed from government drug testing.
Last but not least, my proposal will greatly expedite the process of government drug testing. Nowadays, if the government wants to legalize a drug, they have to do lots of basic research along with many other steps, and then they get into animal testing. The final stage is human testing, which can take years to get to. By having these criminals at the government’s disposal to test their drugs, it will speed the drug testing process and legalize potentially life-saving drugs, not only for Florida but also the entire United States.
As I have clearly spelled out, my proposition will be effective in not only the ways I have mentioned, but many other ways as well. Taking all the prescription drug abusers in Florida and forcing them to be at the hands of the government will greatly improve the overall health and safety of Florida.