1. Programs and curriculum respond to the children’s interest and asks them about the bridges and tunnels they are starting to build.
2. Teachers apply what they know about each child and use a variety of strategies, materials, and learning experiences to be responsive to individual children.
3. Children are actively involved in their own learning, choosing from a variety of materials and equipment.
4. Play is the primary context in which young children learn and grow.
5. Teachers understand that any activity has the potential for different children to realize different learning from the same experience.
6. All aspects of development—physical, social-emotional, cognitive, and language—are integrated in the activities and opportunities of the program.
7. Teachers consider widely held expectations about each age group and temper that with challenging yet achievable learning goals.
I agree with John Dewey’s pedagogic creed: Children were valuable and that childhood was an important part of their lives. Education should be integrated with life and should provide a training ground for cooperative living. Borrowing the child education pioneers’ theories, I believe the most four important elements are:
1. Organization of educational thought and ideal about learning, curriculum, and teacher training. (Friedrich Wilhelm Froebel)
2. A prepared environment, self-correction and sequential materials, teaching based on observation, and a trust in children’s innate. (Maria Montessori)
3. Accepting individual difference, in giving children reasons as the basis for helping children to learn. (John Locke)
4. The