The principles of infection prevention and control
Understand roles and responsibilities in the prevention and control of infections.
All care workers have a responsibility to follow the infection prevention and control guidance of the organisation they work for and to work in such a way that the infection risk to service users, themselves and others is minimised.
Care workers also have a responsibility to keep up to date and attend infection prevention and control training.
The company or owner of a care home is responsible, under health and safety legislation, for maintaining a safe environment for service users, visitors and care workers alike. Policies and procedures for prevention and control of infection would form part of the health and safety requirements.
The manager should have access to advice on infection prevention and control from a suitably qualified and competent individual and should produce an annual report on the systems in place for the prevention and control of infection and how these systems are monitored.
The manager should ensure that appropriate infection prevention and control policies and procedures exist, are readily available, understood by all members of staff and are used within the home.
The registered manager should ensure that all care workers have received up to date infection prevention and control training appropriate to their role and that training records are kept.
The manager is also responsible for designating an Infection Prevention and Control Lead for the care home.
Understand legislation and policies relating to prevention and control of infections.
The impact of healthcare associated infection is widely acknowledged as a significant issue in all healthcare settings. Current legislation that relates to the prevention and control of infections are The Health and Social Care Act (2008), The Care Standards Act 2000 and associated Regulations (2002), Health and Safety at Work Act (1974), Environmental