Cited: Bidinotto, Robert J. "Capital Punishment is Moral." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Bradbury, Michael D Buchanan, Pat. "Executions Deliver Reasonable Retribution." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 19 Nov. 2003 Carmical, Casey Costs of the Death Penalty. Death Penalty Information Center. 19 Nov. 2003 . Cullins, George H Douglas, John. "The Death Penalty Should Not be Eliminated." Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehow Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Furman v Gregg v. Georgia. UAA Justice Center Web Site U.S. Supreme Ct. 1976. 18 Nov. 2003>. Johansen, Jay Jurek v. Texas. UAA Justice Center Web Site U.S. Supreme Ct. 1976. 18 Nov. 2003 . Justice Center Web Site Key Facts at a Glance. U.S. Department of Justice. 24 Nov. 2003 . Levin, Michael Markman, Stephen. "Innocent People Have not Been Executed." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Methvin, Eugene H Pataki, George E. "Capital Punishment is a Deterrent." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Pojman, Louis P Proffitt v. Florida. UAA Justice Center Web Site U.S. Supreme Ct. 1976. 18 Nov. 2003>. Pulley v Recent Poll Results from around the Country. 18 Nov. 2003 . Scalia, Antonin Tucker, William. "Society Needs the Death Penalty to Deter Murderers." Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Woodson v
Cited: Bidinotto, Robert J. "Capital Punishment is Moral." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Bradbury, Michael D Buchanan, Pat. "Executions Deliver Reasonable Retribution." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 19 Nov. 2003 Carmical, Casey Costs of the Death Penalty. Death Penalty Information Center. 19 Nov. 2003 . Cullins, George H Douglas, John. "The Death Penalty Should Not be Eliminated." Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehow Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Furman v Gregg v. Georgia. UAA Justice Center Web Site U.S. Supreme Ct. 1976. 18 Nov. 2003>. Johansen, Jay Jurek v. Texas. UAA Justice Center Web Site U.S. Supreme Ct. 1976. 18 Nov. 2003 . Justice Center Web Site Key Facts at a Glance. U.S. Department of Justice. 24 Nov. 2003 . Levin, Michael Markman, Stephen. "Innocent People Have not Been Executed." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Methvin, Eugene H Pataki, George E. "Capital Punishment is a Deterrent." Opposing Viewpoints . Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Pojman, Louis P Proffitt v. Florida. UAA Justice Center Web Site U.S. Supreme Ct. 1976. 18 Nov. 2003>. Pulley v Recent Poll Results from around the Country. 18 Nov. 2003 . Scalia, Antonin Tucker, William. "Society Needs the Death Penalty to Deter Murderers." Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Shenendehowa Public Library. 24 Nov. 2003 Woodson v