The first known case of a gay couple wanting to be legally married was on May 18, 1970 when the couple entered the courthouse and then later was denied by the county clerk, Gerald Nelson. Jack Baker and Michael McConnell sued in state court after their application was denied (4). Jack Baker claimed that the the Minnesota marriage statute said nothing about gender. The court still denied his claim. In 1972, the …show more content…
Four Percent of adopted children are adopted by gay couples (2). Out of a one to six ratio that one person is a single gay parent. Gay couples adopt children at a higher rate than any other. There is no evidence that gay couples are unfit for parenting (2). Children adopted by gay individuals express that their gender role is not an obstacle (N.p.). Gay parents do not have children by accident which can make them more committed and motivated to being a good parent (1). Married couples get financial help from programs that have not applied to gay couples (3). If couples are legally married insurance companies can not turn them down because of their race or their sexuality. That is true no matter where the couple lives or where the company is located. There are tons of estate planning benefits available for married couples in the United States. A spouse entitled to Social Security retirement or disability benefits may be able to receive retirement benefits based on the conditions of the deceased spouse’s income that they got per year (3). Gay marriage is a tough topic for most people to discuss without it becoming an argument. Gay couples are now able to adopt and it is known to be a positive thing. Gay couples are also offered health care. Gay marriage has been a topic often brought to the table by court