and security a big obstacle because modern technologies seem to interest a lots of hackers.
Car accident is something that happens every minute of the day based on the National Highway Traffic Admiration.
By buying a self-driving car can prevents the accidents nationwide, but what people didn’t think of is, can it reduce the number of accident or the number of accidents per day will continuing to stay the same because of how people relied on the software without really watching the road. The biggest problems in a self-driving car is, who fault will it be if a self-driving car hits a normal human operates car due to the weather condition, or any unexpected event along the road. For example, when an accident occur, the both drivers tend to trade their driver license and insurance, but when one car is a self-driving car, will it the driver accepts it as his fault since when the accident occur, he wasn’t the one who in control of the car but it was the software that act as a operator. In other to come to a conclusion which car hit which might be a big challenge since the owner of a self-driving car didn’t control the car when the accident occur while the other driver total in control of the car. But if both cars are human operates cars, the conclusion can come be deal through individually or with the help of city police. This show that when choosing car to buy, people should choose to buy a human driven car because it can be reduce the time that you need to spend with the other driver finding out the actual problem. A normal can not only reduce the time of finding the conclusion when accident occurs, but also easy to deal when there is road works, or road changed due to weather
One problem that happens to a self-driving car is that it cannot interpret, or understand human signals. Human signals or anything that is changed on the road due to our human being or the nature is something that can cause crashes because when self-driving car is operate, it is operated on software that was created before the road changed. Sometime if the car drives through a work road, a normal car would slowly drive through, but when it is a self-driving car, the driver might doing something else and lie on the car without bordering watching the road, and the car can hit the construction zone creating a hard time for the people inside the car, and the workers. This reveals that one self-driving car operate, it should not be operate on a raining weather, or an unknown road. It indicated the negative side of a self-driving car because it prevents people from travelling far distances in an automatic drive car. This is why people who are choosing to buy a car should be pay attention to the details that when driving a self-driving car, the car itself might an obstacle for you during an unknown work road. In order for a self-driving car function the way that the owner wants, they might have to put in their information into the car’s software and security is a big challenge in a self-driving car.
Security problems are a high problem that is alerting in the United States. In order for one car can drive automatically, you need to connect it to some source of software or the internet to direct the car to your destination. With the internet, many hackers are interest in stealing other people information and by buying this car might stress you out a little bit when it comes to by having to put your information on the internet. Many car’s owner wants to saved their information inside the car when the car have internet, or any type of software that can store information, or any piece of software’s which interest hackers who are trying to steal information and it can be an easy problem to solve if the information was stored wasn’t important, but if it’s something like credit card numbers get steal and the owner doesn’t know, it can be a big obstacle to the owner and the bank to find where his information get steal from in order to prevent the source and the money can be lost leaving the owner with debt if the hacker didn’t get arrest. By having this problem, it clearly shows people who like to buy car with technology included, such as the internet, their secret information might get steal from a hacker, or any criminal worldwide. If I would buy a car, I would not want to involve with criminal, the police, or any related problems. So by having chosen a self-driving for either fashion or because of it self-driving benefit might harm you on the side of safety and security.
In conclusion, a human driver gives the driver an easier time dealing with accident, work roads, and security, such as losing private information like credit card number can be a big problem to the owner of the car. To me, driving a car that I can operates without any type of software not only give me the way I can handle the car and accidents, but also an experience driving on the road since life is too short, and people should experience things not relied on technologies. If I was going to buy a car, I would buy a normal modern car, because I think that would be much safer for my life, and can reduces stress from losing money based on the fact that security is a big problem in self-driving car and I think that is also why people should buy a human driven car rather than buying a computer operates car.